Spicy Day
If you’ve ever wondered why NASA thought they’d send Sally Ride on a 6-day trip to space with 100 tampons, why pads are even made without...

Black Menstrual Equity Advocates You Should Know
Black History Month is a time of learning and celebration. While learning about Black history, the struggles that Black people have...

Reminders for Reconciliation
Over the last nearly three years,we have learned how to navigate a variety of unprecedented changes. Many of these changes have been...

An Extensive (But not Cumulative) Timeline of the Gay Rights Movement
As this month is Pride Month, it is important that we celebrate the achievements, resilience, self-acceptance and legal rights of the...

Why Do Our Shark Weeks Sync?
Ever moved into a college residence or an apartment and noticed that after a while you and your roommates have the same cycle? Maybe at...

Dealing with Burnout & Compassion Fatigue during COVID-19
I still remember sitting in class as a first year social service work student and consistently going over the topics of compassion...

Stay Six Feet Away, Please!
Maintain six feet of distance between strangers? No problem! Limit non-essential touch? I'll take it! Does this really sound like too...

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD): How it differs from Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Tender breasts and bloating. Cramping and back pain. Acne and food cravings. Irritability and headaches. Sensitivity to light and...

No Gym? No Problem: A Herculean Home Body-Weight Workout
As we continue to enter phase 3, fitness facilities have re-opened under new regulations. As some anxiously line up to get back into...

The Common Oppressive Responses to Sexual Violence
The response a survivor receives when they speak about their experience of sexual violence can seriously affect one’s quality of life and...